1. The program will continue producing output until it is interrupted. 2. A line that increments i by 1 needs to be put at the end of, but inside of the while loop. 3. --- smallest.py --- smallest = "strings are always larger than integers" print "Enter a sequence of numbers:" line = raw_input("> ") while line != "": if int(line) < smallest: smallest = int(line) line = raw_input("> ") print smallest --- end average.py --- 4. --- average.py --- print "Enter a sequence of numbers:" total = 0 count = 0 line = raw_input("> ") while line != "": total += int(line) count += 1 line = raw_input("> ") print float(total)/count --- end average.py --- 5. --- average_loop.py --- answer = 'y' while answer == 'y': print "Enter a sequence of numbers:" total = 0 count = 0 line = raw_input("> ") while line != "": total += int(line) count += 1 line = raw_input("> ") print float(total)/count answer = raw_input('Would you like to calculate the average of another sequence (y/n): ') --- end average_loop.py ---