1. We must use brackets around the elements of the tuple? 2. Concatenation produces a tuple consisting of all the elements from the original two tuples with the elements of the second tuple after the elements of the first. Addition produces a tuple of the same length as the original two tuples, whose elements are the sum of the elements from the original two tuples in the same respective positions. 3. If we think of the variables in alphabetic order; a, b, c. Then their values will rotate on position left which each execution of the statement a, b, c = b, c, a 4. --- tuple_add.py --- a = () b = () i = raw_input('Enter a number for vector a: ') while i != '': a += (i, ) i = int(raw_input('Enter a number for vector a: ')) for j in range(len(a)): b += (int(raw_input('Enter a number for vector b: ')), ) c = () for i in range(len(a)): c += (a[i]+b[i], ) --- end tuple_add.py --- 5. --- zip_lists.py --- names = [] ages = [] name = raw_input('Enter a name: ') while name != '': names.append(name) age = int(raw_input('Enter age for '+name+': ')) ages.append(age) name = raw_input('Enter a name: ') result = [] for i in range(len(names)): result.append((names[i], ages[i])) print result --- end zip_lists.py ---