Introductory Programming in Python: Lesson 28
Classes and Objects

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The Philosophers Bun Fight

The Greek philosopher Plato proposed that there was a perfect world, an ideal world, in which were to be found the true forms of things. The true form of a horse would exist in that world, free of defects, and free of deviations from the idea(l) of a horse (known as the 'exemplar'). Horses to be found on our world, he considered only pale reflections or poor quality imitations of the perfect horse. And thus the class was born. Plato's student Aristotle later challenged his mentor's theory, counter-proposing that instead ideal forms were distilled from our observations of common attributes of objects, e.g. the 'ideal' horse has four legs, a long nose, etc... because this is common to all horses. Thus the class was refined, and this is the concept of class that we use today in a mathematical sense. We say objects, which are individual instances, are members of a class, by virtue of the fact that the objects have particular attributes and behaviours. The story of Plato and Aristotle not only set the precedent for the discussion of classes, but also for grad-students thumbing their noses at their supervisor's work, stealing large quantities of it, and publishing a paper that completely repudiates it.

Classes and Instances

In programming, a class refers specifically to a data structure which has functions bound to it. More esoterically, a class defines a set of objects which have certain attributes, or data values, associated with them, and exhibit certain behaviours, i.e. have functions associated with them. Individual instances of a class can be created (or instantiated) in the form of objects.

In python we can define a class using the 'class statement', which looks similar to the 'def statement' used to define functions.

class <class name> (<parent class>):
    <def statement>
    [def statement]

The 'class name' is a name of our choosing, by which the class shall be known, and the 'parent class' is the name of another already defined class, indicating our newly defined class is a descendant or sub-class of the parent class. The class 'object' is the ultimate mother class from which all python classes descend, so we can use 'object' in place of 'parent class' for our own class definitions.

As an example, let's define a class 'Student'. We say that students have the following properties; a name, a field of study, a degree, a blood-alcohol level, an amount of time spent as a student, and an amount of time spent actually studying. The behaviours a person can exhibit are to study, which increases the amount of time spent as a student and the amount of time spent studying inversely proportionally to their current blood-alcohol level, and reduces their blood alcohol level. Persons can also goof off, which increases the amount of time spent studying, and increases blood alcohol level. Finally a student can graduate once they have accumulated enough months of actual study time, if they haven't accumulated too much time spent studying.

class Student(object):
    def __init__(self, name, field, degree): = name
        self.field = field = degree
        self.time_as_student = 0
        self.time_studied = 0
        self.bloodalcohol = 0
    def study(self):
        self.time_as_student += 1
        self.time_studied += 1-self.bloodalcohol
        self.bloodalcohol -= 0.1
        if self.bloodalcohol < 0:
            self.bloodalcohol = 0

    def goof_off(self):
        self.time_as_student += 1
        self.bloodalcohol += 0.1
        if self.bloodalcohol > 0.4:
            print "Hospitalised!"
            self.bloodalcohol = 0
            self.time_as_student += 3

    def graduate(self):
        if degree == "MSc":
            if self.time_as_student > 18:
                print "%s exceeded maximum time, FAIL!"%(
            elif self.time_studied > 12:
                print "%s graduates!"%(
                print "Keep studying %s"%(
        elif degree == "PhD":
            if self.time_as_student > 24:
                print "%s exceeded maximum time, FAIL!"%(
            elif self.time_studied > 18:
                print "%s graduates!"%(
                print "Keep studying %s"%(

Wow, okay, that's a lot of new stuff. Looking at what we've done, we see from the first line that we are defining a new class called 'Student' descended from 'object'. Inside, i.e. indented from the class definition, we see function definitions. The fact that these function definitions occur within a class definition makes these functions methods of the newly defined class. A method of a class is called using dot notation from an object of that class. We'll deal with this shortly.

If we look at the first function definition, we see we've defined a method called '__init__'. Why the hell would we choose a name so cumbersome as '__init__'? The truth is, python has chosen it for us. All classes in python have some methods implicitly defined. These methods are for the most part are empty, be they can be redefined, as we do with '__init__' above. The method '__init__' is known as a constructor, meaning it is called every time an object of the class in question is created. Newly created objects in python have no attributes or properties, i.e. no variables within the object. We must create these attributes in the constructor, which is why we redefine it.

Note how the first parameter of every method within a class is something called 'self'. The 'self' parameter refers to the object of the class that called the method. This allows a method to operate on only a particular objects attributes, and not get confused between multiple objects of the same class. Time for more example code.

james = Student("James", "Biochemistry", "MSc") += " Dominy"

The above lines of code will create a new object (assigned to the variable 'james'). On the first line, the '__init__' function is called with the newly created object passed to the parameter self, meaning all those self. references refer to the newly created object. In the last line, when we call the 'goof_off' method. Note how we pass no parameters, but the method takes one parameter; This is because python implicitly passes the object calling the method as the self parameter, i.e. the self parameter is passed the object 'james'.

There are a number of specially recognised method names, all of which begin and end with double underscores. They are called at various times, implicitly. Mostly they are used to define how new classes work with arithmetic operators like '+', '-', etc... but one other one stands out in importance: the '__del__' method. This method is called when the object is destroyed, garbage collected, or deleted, and is used to ensure the object cleans up after itself correctly, closing any files it opened, or database connections, etc...

The '__repr__' function is called whenever the value of the object is required for printing. The '__repr__' method must return a string, and is generally used to return a nicely formatted list of the object's attributes and their current values.


The four design principles of using classes and objects, a system commonly referred to as object oriented programming, are encapsulation, modularity, inheritance, and polymorphism. Encapsulation refers to the desire to hide certain implementation details from other parts of the program. For example if we define a class that stores a vector, we could choose a number of internal data structures to store said vector, three separate attributes accessed via dot notation, or a list, or a tuple, or even a dictionary. If we later choose to use a different storage structure, we would normally need to change many lines of code that reference that structure directly throughout our program. The principle of encapsulation is that we define some interface that does not change, using a class and a collection of methods to extract the data from objects of that class. We can then use objects all over our code, and if we later decide that dictionaries are in fact better than lists, we change this inside the class, not affecting the rest of our program, which is using the still unchanged interface of methods.


Modularity is an ideal that aids our laziness. Classes allow us to split up our programming into distinct sections. Once we've written a class, we can use that class over ad over in different code, much like a function in a module. But better, if we write a class, we can test it without having to have a whole program surrounding it. Testing a class and determining that it works correctly, means that when we start writing code that uses that class that suddenly doesn't work, we know the bug is not in the class, but in the new code.


Inheritance has two uses. Firstly it allows us to specify a relationship between two classes. Secondly, we can avoid duplicating code. For example, consider a mortal. We might define a mortal to exhibit various behaviours, represented by methods, and properties. Mortals die, and generally agonise over this fact, when their existential angst levels get too high. So we write two methods, called 'die' and 'agonise' in the class 'mortal'. But a student is a mortal too. A student has all the properties of mortals, and exhibits all the same behaviours. Instead of rewriting and redefining all these things for the class student, can can simply derive student from mortal. Now all students have all the properties and methods of a mortal, in addition to whatever additional stuff we define for a student.

class mortal(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.angst = 0
    def agnonise(self):
        print "Oh... %w is me"%(", ".join(["woe"]*self.angst))

    def die(self):
        print "The salmon mouse!"

class Student(mortal):
    def __init__(self, name, field, degree):
        mortal.__init__(self) = name
        self.field = field = degree
        self.time_as_student = 0
        self.time_studied = 0
        self.bloodalcohol = 0
    def study(self):
        self.time_as_student += 1
        self.angst += 0.1
        if self.angst > 1:
            print "Nervous break down"
            self.time_as_student += 6
            self.bloodalcohol = 0
            self.angst = 0
            self.time_studied += 1-self.bloodalcohol
            self.bloodalcohol -= 0.1
            if self.bloodalcohol < 0:
                self.bloodalcohol = 0
        print "%s has studied %i months, and has %f angst points"%
              (, self.time_studied, self.angst)

    def goof_off(self):
        self.time_as_student += 1
        self.bloodalcohol += 0.1
        self.angst -= 1
        if self.bloodalcohol > 0.6:
        if self.bloodalcohol > 0.4:
            print "Hospitalised!"
            self.bloodalcohol = 0
            self.time_as_student += 3
        print ("%s has spent another month goofing off, and has %f angst points, "+
               "and a blood-alcohol of %f")%(, self.angst, self.bloodalcohol)

    def graduate(self):
        if degree == "MSc":
            if self.time_as_student > 18:
                print "%s exceeded maximum time, FAIL!"%(
            elif self.time_studied > 12:
                print "%s graduates!"%(
                print "Keep studying %s"%(
        elif degree == "PhD":
            if self.time_as_student > 24:
                print "%s exceeded maximum time, FAIL!"%(
            elif self.time_studied > 18:
                print "%s graduates!"%(
                print "Keep studying %s"%(

Socrates = Student("Socrates", "Philosophy", "PhD")
Socrates.die() #Socrates forced to take Hemlock

Aristotle = mortal() #breaks because Aristotle isn't a student


Polymorphism is not as important to us in python as it is in strictly typed languages. Python implements dynamic typing using something 'duck-typing', meaning if it looks like a duck, and acts like a duck, assume it's a duck. This is why we can pass many functions a tuple in place of list, and vice versa. Because a tuple looks like a list, i.e. it's a sequence of elements, and acts like a list, i.e. we extract individual elements from both tuples and lists in the same way, using seq[index].


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