Introductory Programming in Python: Lesson 35
Interfacing with Databases using Python

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Now that we have a grip on SQL and its use via a database client, we want to be able to do the thing from within a python script. Ideally we we would like to extract information from the database into native python data structures, rather than as text we have to parse, and in fact there are a variety of python modules available that allow us to do exactly this. Different modules are required for different RDBMSs, but python has defined a standard interface for such modules, called the Python DB API. All modules subscribing to this interface standard operate in a nearly manner.

Opening a Connection to the Database

We're going to look at three database interface modules; psycopg, pypgsql, and mysqldb. The first two interface with PostgreSQL, and the third with MySQL. None of these modules comes standard with python, but the installation details are once again dependant on OS and distribution. Despite having just claimed the database interfaces are standardised in Python, the exception that proves the rule is of course the first thing we have to deal with. As mentioned previously, different RDBMSs use different authentication methods, and as a result connection methods are fundamentally different. Let's connect to our library example database. We assume that the database is called 'library', and that we are connecting to a database server running locally.

>>> import psycopg2
>>> conn = psycopg2.connect(user='james', password='james', database='library')
>>> from pyPgSQL import PgSQL
>>> conn = PgSQL.connect(user='james', password='james', database='library')
>>> import MySQLdb
>>> conn = MySQLdb.connect(user='james', passwd='james')
>>> conn.select_db("library")

Here we can see that calling the connect function from our chosen database module returns what is known as a connection object.

We can also connect to remote database servers by passing the extra keyword argument 'host' and giving a hostname as the value, and if the server is running on a non-default port, we can use the 'port' keyword specify a port.


While RDBMSs are capable of treating collections of rows as singular units, procedural languages like python are often forced to deal with such collections rows by row. The concept of a cursor was introduced, which provides a method of iterating through collections of rows. For the most part the technicalities of cursors are unimportant, their just a way for python to get rows one at a time.

We still need to create a cursor to use though, which we do by using the connection object to instantiate a cursor object.

>>> curs = conn.cursor()

Executing Queries

Using the cursor object we can now send SQL commands as a string. Let's ask for the titles of all books in the fiction category.

>>> curs.execute('SELECT title FROM Book WHERE category = 1')

Cursors act as generators, which are initially empty. A generator in python is an object that acts similarly to a list, in that we can loop over it using a for loop. When we use a cursor to execute a query, the generator 'fills up' with the rows returned by the database. When we extract these rows, using a for loop for example (indexing does not work with generators), they are returned as tuples. Cursors also provide methods to extract the next row, and all remaining rows.

>>> curs.fetchone()
('Pride & Prejudice',)
>>> curs.fetchall()
[('The Time Machine',), ('Day of the Triffids',)]
>>> curs.fetchall()

We can see that after we have fetched all the rows from the database, the cursor returns an empty list. We have to issue a new query to produce more results to fetch.

>>> curs.execute('SELECT * FROM Book as B 
... JOIN Authorship as A ON = AND = 1')
>>> for row in curs:
...     print row
(1, 'Introductory Programming in Python', 2, 1, 1)
(3, 'Advanced Programming Techniques', 2, 1, 3)

Executing Modification Queries

Queries that effect changes to the database are not automatically run. We must 'commit' them. This is done to allow for referential integrity across multiple queries. More simply put, if we have many queries, each updating or inserting information in(to) the database, and we are changing or creating foreign keys specifically, we want some queries to be treated as a single transaction. For example, we don't want to create a book entry, but then have the connection cut before an associated authorship entry is created. The python DB API does not automatically commit any queries that change the database until we explicitly tell it do so by using the commit method of the connection object. First we'll look at the PostgreSQL method, then the MySQL metod.

>>> curs.execute("INSERT INTO Book (name) VALUES ('Stanger in a Strange Land')")
>>> curs.execute("SELECT * FROM currval('Book_id_seq')")
>>> bookid =[0]
>>> curs.execute("INSERT INTO Author (surname, firstname)
... VALUES ('Heinlein', 'Robert A')")
>>> curs.execute("SELECT * FROM currval('Author_id_seq')")
>>> authorid =[0]
>>> curs.execute("""INSERT INTO Authorship (book, author)
... VALUES (%i, %i)""")%(bookid, authorid)
>>> conn.commit()
>>> curs.execute("INSERT INTO Book (name) VALUES ('Stanger in a Strange Land')")
>>> bookid = conn.insert_id()
>>> curs.execute("INSERT INTO Author (surname, firstname)
... VALUES ('Heinlein', 'Robert A')")
>>> authorid = conn.insert_id()
>>> curs.execute("""INSERT INTO Authorship (book, author)
... VALUES (%i, %i)""")%(bookid, authorid)
>>> conn.commit()

Again we see a difference in the way the database servers choose to implement certain functionality. One of the other reasons for transactions is avoid problems with concurrent usage. When we insert the Authorship link, we need to know the primary key ids of the Book and Author rows we have just inserted. RDBMSs provide methods to obtain this information in various ways. PostgreSQL for examples automatically creates a sequence object whenever a column of type SERIAL is created. This sequence is named '<table name>_<column name>_seq' and its current value can be accessed using the query SELECT currval('<sequence name>');. PostgreSQL chooses this method because a single table may may multiple serial columns. MySQL, on the other hand, only allows a single AUTO_INCREMENT column, which must be a primary key. As a result, a MySQL cursor object in python has the method <cursor object>.insert_id() which is an integer equal to the integer primary key of the last row inserted by the cursor object.

The problem comes in when multiple users are using the database at the same time. Suppose we insert a rows, but before we can query the insertion id, someone else inserts a row. We would end up getting the wrong insertion id. Transactions avoid this, by guaranteeing that our entire set of commands are executed in an atomic fashion, i.e. completely or not at all, and in an exclusive manner, i.e. no other transaction can interrupt our own.

Until the call to the commit method is made, nothing is changed in the database. If the connection is broken, no changes are made, all 'changes' are lost. We will still receive appropriate error messages from that database engine, meaning we can use this technique to test whether a set of queries will work, and if not, cancel them all at once, by simply closing the cursor with <cursor object>.close() method. Once an error has occurred 'in' a particular cursor object, any attempt at execution via that object will raise an exception to the effect that the transaction has been aborted. Close the cursor, and start again!

Executing a read-only query automatically commits any pending queries.


The connection object has a method <connection object>.rollback(). When called, this performs what is known as a rollback, essentially undoing any modification made to the database by this connection.

Closing Connections

Finally, when we are done, we must close our any open cursors and our connection to the database. This is vitally important, as the database engine itself maintains resources on the other side of the connection, so if we don't inform the engine we are closing the connection, those resources may be kept, wasting memory. Closing the connection does not automatically commit any pending queries.

>>> curs.close()
>>> conn.close()
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